فنا کا علم، حجاب ہے، بقا کا علم، نور
بد علمی سے بے علمی ،بدر جہا بہتر ہے
حضرت واصف علی واصف رحمتہ اللہ علیہ
· There is difference between loneliness and solitude. Sincerity gets the privilege to witness the moments of solitude; selfishness is imprisoned in loneliness.
· Piety is Purity of self; and purity of self is selflessness. Selfishness is impiety.
· A terrorist is one who cannot tolerate. Terrorism is the use of force against a person or a group of persons who think and adopt a way disliked by the terrorist. A terrorist simply fails to understand that people have an inborn right of freedom of thought and a freedom of choice. He cannot accommodate a person, a sect or a nation that keeps a life style other than the style, rules and regulations set by him. It simply means that intolerance paves the way toward terrorism. It also means that all activities towards globalization ends up in terrorism and "counter terrorism"; because the big guns of global village will wipe out all those groups or nations who refuse to merge in their global conglomerate.
· Desire devastates ……. whatsoever is non-align with its course. A burning desire really burns.
· Love is a preamble of heaven; hatred paves and proves the ways to Hell.